My kids are growing up quickly. My oldest is my shortest while my youngest is my tallest.

The kids are offically on Summer vacation. This is going to be a long hot summer with no rain in sight anytime soon. Hope all is well with everybody.

I had a really bad health scare in 2016.

All 3 of my kiddos have gone through Roadrunner Elementary school out here in Avra Valley. Today the school turned 30 years old. My youngest is the last one to go to it. He is in 5th grade. It goes up to 6th grade. We are out in the county. This school has been good to my kiddos.


We were waiting for the funeral procession of 1 of the fighfighters near the Marana regional airport today.

You know the kids are bored when they start chasing lizards out in the yard like the cats. Christopher came into the house yesterday with a lizard hanging from his nose. He was laughing an crying at the same time! Never know what boys are gonna do. It is always something.

I have been keeping busy sewing and arts n crafts projects. The half aprons are $15 each. Most of the material i am sewing with i can no longer find. The bag i hand decorated myself with fabric markers. I have alot more stuff to show you over at my Facebook page.

Been busy here. I know alot of you have been busy with everything. I have to admit i am addicted to Facebook like alot of my friends and blogging friends are to as well. Some of my blogging friends have said they would not play games on Facebook but they are..


I am back. Had to take a much needed break. I am addicted to facebook like alot of my other blogging friends. And the games there too. I have a Facebook page for my creations here called PurpleFroggyCreations. Hope you enjoy what i have been making cause i know i do.

Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

I have had alot of problems here at home and health related problems/stress/kids you name it! The husband has been without a job for way over a year now..My stress has really been adding up to that and worring on how we are going to be paying our bills.

My teenager is getting her permit this month.

We have had alot of problems within this past year. Hubby lost his job and haven`t been able to get another one. He doesn`t qualify for unemployment since he quit for health and safety reasons.


I am back at the moment but for who know`s for how long till i have a relapse with my pinched nerve (slip disk) in the neck.. I have been busy on Facebook, Twitter and making Jewerly to sell..I have a Facebook page for the jewerly..

Sorry i haven`t been around for awhile..I have been on FaceBook way too much lately and have had some medical issues pop up..I am really starting to dislike doctors right now..I have a MRI last week..And this week they did a Nerve conducting test and a EMG test..

The kids are out for the summer! Their last day of school was May 20th..They go back August 09th which is not fast enough for me or some other parents..My youngest will be going to summer school for reading..My oldest will be going to high school for the next school year.

We are going camping this weeekend with boyscouts..We shall have some and relaxation i hope..You shouldnt get sunburned before a camping trip but i did and i was wearing a hat as usuall..The kids get out of school on may 20th and them they will be home till august 9th...Have fun and a great weekend.

One day Little Johnny's mom was cleaning his room. In the closet, she found a bondage S+M magazine. This was highly upsetting to her. She hid the magazine until his father got home.


Here's A Concise Sex Manual For Computer Experts: 1. Be user friendly 2. Take bytes (nibbles..hehe) 3. Fondle joystick 4. Spread sheet 5. Fix surge protector 6. Activate hardware 7. Insert disc, all the way (yes! yes!) 8. Do it 'til it megabytes 9. Back it up 10.

Trina from Blogdumps tagged me! visit her blog here....This week theme is to tag your favorite blog with two random thoughts!



Happy Valentine`s Day to all of you!

Please tell your loved ones how much you love them everyday even when you are mad at them! They can be taken from you in an instant! Love you guys and keep safe! Enjoy this special day..


I am back after a hiatus if you want to call it much has gone here since my father was put in the hospital on Halloween husband quit his job for health and safety reasons..Since he quit, he does not qualify for unemployment..He has been without a job for almost 3 months now and we


Our local DJ in Arizona has been all over the news for getting like 9 photo radar tickets just for speeding! He even admitted it the news...

He even twitted it on Twitter... It is all over the news

in Arizona...And it is the Top Photo Rader search in 

Google today...

November 26th, 2009

November 10th, 2009


October 31st, 2009


If you find that your house is built upon or near a cemetary, was once a church used for black masses, had previous inhabitants who went mad or committed suicide or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices in your house move away immediately.


October 19th, 2009


This accident happened in Texas a few days ago. My hubby knew the guys that were in the accident..One is in critical condition with a broken leg, and the other died..The driver had fallen asleep at the wheel while the other was sleeping in the back bunk...


Purple Saturday Purple Saturday has a new home..It is now here! Hope you can come visit the new blog soon.. I am still doing Purple Saturday but just at a different place...


A fleece hat i had made last year! It has purple in it....

1. Shinade (a painted veil)











Purple Saturday is here once again and getting close to Breast Cancer awarness time again, so i decided to post this picture from something i had done last year!

1. Can you Be a part of my Life

2. Fracas










My lovely son caught this little creature before he caught the school bus the other day..The thing is finally FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A Polar Bear with a purplish tongue!

1. Shinade

2. Speedy (twitpic)

3. SpeedCatHollydale

4. Miss Money Penny

5. dcr

Find a picture with purple in it,leave your comment here on this post with your link and grab a purple saturday badge to post on your blog/website..Happy hunting and have fun....


Purple Saturday is here again! Just post your purple picture or something with purple in it on your blog and leave your comment with your link here on this post and i will put your link up..You can grab the Purple Saturday badge and put up your blog to show that you participate in Purple Saturday...


Blossoms from the Palo Verde tree.

An old pot..

Moose our new kitty(a boy).

Christopher and Jordan together in the pool during Family swim at the high school pool during the summer.

A Barrel Cactus at the boys school.


There has been alot of death around us everywhere we look like in movie stars,people we are close to as in friends and family members..Have you ever thought about which cemetery you like to buried at or have your ashes interned at? Well , i haven`t decided about what i want yet,,But then again it wo

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please vote! thanks!
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